Wednesday, February 26, 2014

quick write 2/26

What i know about world war one is that it was started by the assination of archduke ferdinand. This is what sparked the war. During the war i know that russia and the US were allies, and that the US was not orginally going to go to war. When germany i belive it was sunk one of the us's ships that caused us to enter the war and aid france . What i wouldl ike to know about it is pretty much everything i don't know. I just like to learn about this time of history.

Monday, February 24, 2014

quick write 2/24

extraterritoriality:Being exempted from judicial law internatially. Opium War: When China was importing high levels of opium that was tearing their country apart socially and economicly. trade surplu: When you are exporting more then importing balance of trade: When imports and exports are balenced Sino-Japanese War:a fight between china and japan. It showed how china needed to modernize to portect their country Open Door Policy: Allowing other countries to trade with you Sun Yixian: Also known as sun yet sun. He was the founder of the peoples republic of china Boxer Uprising: when phesents in china took violent action against forigners Guang Xu: The 11th emperor of the qing dinasty

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

quick write 2/12

What were some of the problems the ottoman empire faced? Well some of the problems were that were faced were rooted in modernization. The ottoman empire wasn ot as advanced as some of the other owlrd powers in teh area. This made it easy for others to take them over and split them apart. Another problem was the newest generation of ottomen people. The younger generation wanted to put an end to the strict rules and regulatiions that governed their people. They also wanted to reform teh way the governemnt was run in order to modernize their country.

Monday, February 10, 2014

quick write 2/10/14

Imperialisum to me is the act of taking land in another country to better your country or hold authority of another country. Colonies are a mathod of this. Where you send your people to anoter country to make towns and villages in order to access their resources and eventually take over. Sending people of authorty is another way. Like when the french sent their authorities overseas to rule small countries. To me it is a method of reaching out to other countries without nessicarily sending armies or violent threats.But insteand by sending people taht will support their country.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

quick write 2/5

Expansionism - The method of expanding your countrys borders as much as you can. The US showed expansionsium by buying land around them. Louisiana purchase- A purchase made by thomas jefferson that nearly doubled the size of the United States. Included states up to texas. Manifest destiny- An idea made by the US that our country needs to spread coast to coast. Some even took it to expand over the entire continent. Secede- to leave the united states. The south seceeded during the American civil war. Segregation- The legal seperation of ethnicities. This was very common in the south even after the amendments were passed that gave african americans rights under law.

Monday, February 3, 2014

quick write 2/3

The united states of america grew to its large size through multiple purchases that were made by the presidents. The largest of these was the Louisiana purchase, which brought a lot of land to america. This included states from Montana to Louisiana and all in between. The other states on the California side of the US were purchasesd later one at a time. I do know that New mexico however along with parts of Arizona belonged to mexico until the US purchased it from mexico.